Animation Coherence in Representing Software Evolution

Guillaume Langelier, Houari A. Sahraoui, and Pierre Poulin

In Proceedings of  QAOOSE06

Additional material and figures in color



Fig. 1.(a)Three examples of class representation using the mapping between metrics CBO, LCOM5, and WMC, and graphical attributes color, twist, and height, respectively.


Fig. 1. (b)Representation of the PCGEN application (1129 classes) using our adapted Treemap algorithm.


Fig. 2. (A) Algorithm with pre-calculated tree where classes have a stable position throughout de visualization. To better perceive the differences between the these two techniques, please consult the web site mentioned earlier to see the animated sequences corresponding to each technique.


Fig. 2.(B) Algorithm with moving classes representing the same software. To better perceive the differences between the these two techniques, please consult the web site mentioned earlier to see the animated sequences corresponding to each technique.


Fig. 3. Example of the Hybrid approach. A corresponding animated sequence is in the web site.

