Transformation kind #of papers % of papers Metamodels kind #of papers % of papers Intent #of papers % of papers Transformation language #of papers % of papers Model kind #of papers % of papers Validation #of papers % of papers Scope #of papers % of papers Orientation #of papers % of papers
Structural 71 86,59% input specific / output specific 15 18,29% Refinement 18 21,95% Dedicated 43 52,44% Toy 56 68,29% Empirical 43 52,44% Endo/In-place 7 8,54% Academic 53 64,63%
Behavioral 7 8,54% input specific / output general 11 13,41% Abstraction 8 9,76% Programming 16 19,51% Industrial 13 15,85% Formal 5 6,10% Endo/Out-place 12 14,63% Industrial 29 35,37%
Mixte 4 4,88% input general / output general 52 63,41% Semantic Definition 11 13,41% Other 23 28,05% Public 13 15,85% No validation 34 41,46% Exogenous 63 76,83%    
    input general / output specific 4 4,88% Language Translation 26 31,71%                    
        Constraint Satisfaction 0 0,00%                    
        Analysis 7 8,54%                    
        Editing 3 3,66%                    
        Model Visualization 2 2,44%                    
        Model Composition 7 8,54%                    
Total Transformational type 82 100,00% Total Metamodels type 82 100,00% Total Intent 82 100,00% Total Transformation language 82 100,00% Total Data source 82 100,00% Total Validation 82 100,00% Total Scope 82 100,00% Total Orientation 82 100,00%